





■代数 入門、I、II(Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1/2)

受講料 1クラス60分 インド人講師 3,240円(税前:3,000円)

Algebra is the branch of mathematics concerned with the rules of operations and relations, and the concepts arising from them, including terms, polynomials and equations. Our tutors ensure that students have a firm grasp of these, as well as the fundamental concept of variables representing numbers which is most commonly applied in equation solving.


受講料 1クラス60分 インド人講師 3,240円(税前:3,000円)

Successful completion of a high-school geometry course is usually required for more advanced mathematical courses at both the secondary and college levels. Academate’s tutors can help your child with basic geometrical concepts – such as points, lines, planes and solids – with calculations – such as circumferences and areas – and with proofs and theorems – such as the congruence of two triangles and the famous Pythagorean theorem.


受講料 1クラス60分 インド人講師 3,240円(税前:3,000円)

Knowledge of trigonometry is not only necessary for careers in fields such as engineering and architecture, but as a pre-requisite for study of advanced mathematics, such as calculus. Our math tutors can help take the mystery out of trigonometric concepts – such as sines, cosines, tangents, secants, and others – and show your student how these ideas apply to challenges in the real world, as well as the classroom.

■微分積分(入門)(Pre Calculus)

受講料 1クラス60分 インド人講師 3,240円(税前:3,000円)

The study of calculus is difficult under the best of circumstances. However, it is nearly impossible without first understanding concepts such as co-ordinate geometry, functions, slopes, domains, ranges, dependent and independent variables… The list goes on, but you may be sure that these ideas will be covered and well-explained by the math tutors on the Academate team!


受講料 1クラス60分 インド人講師 3,240円(税前:3,000円)

Calculus is critical to the advanced study of engineering and science. In this subject, students learn about the two main branches of Calculus: Integral and Differential. Our tutors cover all major concepts – such as limits, functions, derivatives, integrals and infinite series – to ensure a strong grasp of the materials necessary for success in the classroom.


受講料 1クラス60分 インド人講師 3,240円(税前:3,000円)

Every day we, as citizens, are confronted with statistical data – and not many of us are really prepared to make sense of it. Academate‘s tutors will lead your child from the most basic of descriptive statistics – such as mean, mode, and median – to far more advanced concepts in inferential statistics. Careers in social sciences – such as sociology and political science – and in life sciences – such as medicine and biology – require a firm grasp of statistical concepts and techniques.





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